World Password Day 2nd May

◾ World Password Day is a day intended to get people thinking about personal password strategies and taking action.

◾ A survey found that many people are aware of password best practices; however, they need to convert that awareness into action. The survey reports the following interesting outcomes:
* 84% of respondents claim they reuse passwords for multiple sites.
* “My memory” was the most frequent response to “How do you manage passwords?”.
* The second most popular response was “pen and paper,” while password manager was third.
* Almost a quarter of respondents reset their passwords daily or multiple times a week.
*24% of respondents had been affected by a data breach in the past 18 months.

We urge you to rethink your choice of passwords. Nearly 90% of users use the same password on multiple platforms, password management applications are not widespread, and data breaches are increasing day by day. It brings up what actions can be taken.

1. Complexity of the password

2. Frequency of changing password

3. Hacked password. “What should I do?”

4. Diversity: 'the use of different passwords for different accounts.'

5. Saving passwords & sharing it

 1. Advice: Secured Password = Hard to Hack

Complexity of Password

An 8-digit password can be hacked in 5 minutes. Do you want to take that risk?
However, a 12- 15-digit password would take +100 years to crack.
To enhance security, combine:

  - UPPER and lowercase letters,
  - NuMb3r5   &
  - Special characters =!@#$%&*

Watch this video for valuable tips on creating stronger passwords:

2.  Advice: Change your password for sensitive accounts every 3 months, set a reminder, don’t risk it

Frequency of changing passwords:

On average, you will be requested to change the password every 90 days if it is less than 12 digits.

When you suspect that your password was compromised, change it immediately.

3.  Advice: Stay vigilant with your emails and help fragile people stay secure too.

Hacked password:

To check if your password has been compromised, insert your email on the website below:

If yes, consider changing the password immediately.

Unsubscribe from unneeded or unused newsletters and websites.

Have I been pwned?

4.  Remember to always use a unique password for each sensitive account.

Diversity refers to “using different passwords for different accounts”:

In the past, the average person had 70-80 passwords,
now it’s closer to 100.

Using the same password for your work email, bank account PIN, and coffee shop loyalty app increases the risk of cybercrime.
It’s essential to use different passwords whenever possible.

5.  Advice: When it comes to passwords, Sharing is not Caring.

Saving passwords & sharing them:

Password Manager: is a technology designed to enhance password usability and security. It allows users to generate unique & complex passwords for each online account without having to memorize them. All data is securely stored in a password vault and can be accessed. Below are examples of the mostly used password managers.

Never trust any request asking for your password or credentials.

It’s better to ignore such requests than to become a victim.

Whenever you suspect any email, you can always refer to Maria Al Gharaibeh (0776597581)

Or reach to helpdesk through (16060) /


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