3rd Message


What qualifies as “processing” of personal data according to The Personal Data Protection Law No.24 of 2023?

Operation(s) carried out with the purpose of:

◾ collecting

◾ recording

◾ copying

◾ storing

◾ organizing

◾ revising

◾ utilizing

◾ using

◾ transmitting

◾ distributing

◾ publishing

◾ linking to other data

◾ making available

◾ transferring

◾ displaying

◾ concealing its identity

◾ encoding

◾ destroying

◾ registering

◾ erasing

◾ modifying

◾ describing

◾ disclosing by any and all possible means

This means that the simplest or most complex operation performed on personal data in any phase of its lifecycle (in transit, at rest, in-use or destroyed) falls under “processing”.

Every processing operation on personal data must be legally justifiable to achieve compliance with the law.

For further information, you can find presentations in both Arabic and English versions, awareness sessions, as well as terms that will facilitate your understanding of the law through the following link: PerLa



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