6th Message


What are the penalties to violating The Personal Data Protection Law No.24 of 2023?

Penalties can include:

◾ Rectification fine of 500 JOD on a daily basis until rectifying the violation, but not to exceed 3% of the total annual revenues of the company's previous fiscal year.

◾ Violation fines which commence at a minimum of 1,000 JOD and a maximum of 10,000 JOD (penalty doubled in repeated cases).

◾ Possible publishing of the violation to the public, affecting company's public image.

◾ Compensation of data subject in the case of a material data breach.

◾ Partial/complete suspension of license to process data.

◾ An order to destroy specific/ the full database which is the subject of the violation.

The penalties have a sizeable and negative reputational, financial, and business impact, which highlights the need to prioritize compliance in a consistent and trustworthy company like Orange Jordan, which is leading in the service and protection of customers and employees alike.

For further information, you can find presentations in both Arabic and English versions, awareness sessions, as well as terms that will facilitate your understanding of the law through the following link: PerLa.


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