2nd Message


What is personal data according to the Personal Data Protection Law No.24 of 2023?

It is any data that directly or indirectly identifies any person, like you and all employees and customers of Orange Jordan. In addition to all employees and customers of Orange Jordan’s partners/ suppliers/ vendors/ service providers (each is called the data subject).

It is divided into personal data and sensitive personal data.

Examples of personal data include a data subject’s:

 ◾ First name

◾ Last name

◾ Address/location

◾ Phone number

◾ IP address/ MAC address


◾ INT number

◾ Email

◾ Date of birth

◾ Family status

◾ Governmental ID number

◾ Contract ID

◾ Employee/customer number

◾ IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)

◾ IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) … etc

While examples of sensitive personal data include a data subject’s:

◾ Financial info (bank name, account number, amounts due, and salary)

◾ Beliefs-related info (religious beliefs, political views, or sexual orientation)

◾ Health info (medical records, health status, health insurance details, or physical/mental conditions)

◾ Origin/race,

◾ Biometric info,

◾ Genetic data,

◾ Criminal records,

◾ Any data that could harm the data subject if disclosed, …etc.

The law applies to data collected/processed before and after the enforcement date of 17/3/2025.

For further information, you can find presentations in both Arabic and English versions, awareness sessions, as well as terms that will facilitate your understanding of the law through the following link: PerLa


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